What do you think of when you think of “retirement”? Is it about slowing down, stepping aside, withdrawing into an extended period of leisure?

In this talk, Dean Waggenspack explains that this typical view of retirement is a historical anomaly, based on a single generation in American history: the Greatest Generation. With increasing life expectancy, retirement can now span several decades, and there is a need to redefine what it means to retire.

Waggenspack argues that retirement should be a time of personal growth and exploration, rather than just a time to relax and wind down. He suggests that people should look at retirement as an opportunity to pursue their passions and interests, try new things, and make a positive impact on the world.

Waggenspack offers a new definition of retirement: Pay, Passion and Purpose:

Pay = generating income to meet our financial needs late into life
Passion = doing something important to you
Purpose = doing something for greater good in the community

He also offers practical advice for those approaching retirement, such as the importance of staying active and connected to others, and finding ways to contribute to society.

Overall, Waggenspack’s message is that retirement should be viewed as a time of renewal and reinvention, rather than simply a time to withdraw from the world. By redefining retirement in this way, individuals can find meaning and purpose in their later years, and contribute to a better society.

Featured Photo by Alex Green

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